Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lovesick =>.<=

I am so utterly pathetic when it comes to love.Its embarrassing.I always somehow manage to fall for the wrong people.Always,the wrong people.
I mean why can't I just have one issue-free relationship,right?Where the boy loves me and I love the boy back.But no,complications just have to crop up.
So,my teenage life till now has been a rollercoaster ride of crushes.Lets see,I've fallen for the disgustingly chauvinistic rocker,the quintessential himbo,the cousin,the friend,and a whole wide range of people in between.And there really is no connecting link that joins them together.Nothing.And now,not even their sex.
So God help me.
The worst part is,once,they start noticing me I stop noticing them.Seriously,that is not even fair to me!And hence the cycle continues without any end.
The only end is an interruption,where I am distracted by other material worries enough to take my mind off obsessing over said crush.
So I am in one of my hopeless *crushing* phases.And I always have a stupid mooning smile on my face.
It is irritating.Gah.
I have an obsessive personality.
I want an invisibility cloak.


  1. u NEED an invisibility cloak..period.

  2. You do know that that would also encourage stalking,right?I'd rather you don't comment back.You always know too much for my own good. :|
