Thursday, August 18, 2011

Skeletons are beautiful.

Every word in every language of every culture ever invented is relative to individual perception.
Right now.And I mean that as a time-span of say 2-3 years the word I'm struggling with is a - friend.
Consider this hypothetical situation- When you were 6,you became friends.You had only just learnt how wonderful lively conversation was.You wanted to get lost in it.You didn't understand what 'implication' meant.You had no idea.There was a worldful of things to talk about.And always time enough.
When you were 12,you were still friends.And you still wanted to be.New friends came in,but,old friends stayed.As a rule.You'd had fights,you were 'growing up' friendship wasn't as easily acquired as sharing a seat with somebody in class or saving a place at the see-saw in the playground.Popularity was a status symbol.There was a class hierarchy.You were doing pretty good except for you,friendship wasn't a monopoly.For some of those friends along the way,it was.
Now,you near 18.And popularity only attracts kids who've grown up with a vengeance to be liked.Everybody else is content with less.Nobody really likes superficiality.For what little is permitted must have been mastered to perfection over time.As a habit.Exhaustion weighs every desire down.Time isn't as much of a luxury as it used to be.Conversation was the bridge that tied you to your friendly bunch.And shared ideals,shared desires,shared dreams and likes and dislikes.Compatibility kicked in stronger than ever.You were discovering slowly who you wanted to be more or less for the rest of your life.Your friends defined the person you were.

You do not ask an old friend to leave.Even if the old friend opposes the person you are.And does not relate to your perception at all.If your likes and dislikes are drastically contrary to each other.If the friend passionately refutes the ideals you stand by at every opportunity.Even if the old friend grows up to be the anti-you.You cannot ask an old friend to leave.Because you wonder how many people in the world still really understand what a relationship is.For,it is surely not what you're forcefed to believe by the state.

Future friend application-
:No bigotry,please.
:Also,even though the adjective 'human' fails to justify its existence time and time again.There is a reason why some fellow thought of it.
Respect his wish.Even if it is on the account of impressing your superiority over other life forms.The world cannot be your friend.But not being a friend and being an enemy are two majorly distinctive things.Differentiate.
Enemy is such a funny term.Just saying.I don't see how an individual can have an enemy in another individual with all the implications that are attached to that term.That would be so trivial.And kind of hilarious in its triviality.

And okay maybe that wasn't hypothetical at all,but its not like I ever had you fooled. x)


  1. You're right. One can never ask their old friends to go away, or hate them no matter how they turned out to be... I guess it's because in a way we see what WE might have been if things had turned out differently or maybe it's just because they've been a part of our childhood, so they know where we're coming from even if they don't understand where we are now.

    P.S. How do you convey your displeasure and disgust to a best friend of 12 years, whom you never fought with?

  2. No,I'd never endorse bigotry in my life ever.Its the one thing I absolutely cannot stand.Only,people can't turn out how you want them to.
    But definitely,the latter.Old friends feel like home and sleep-in jeans.They're like testimonies to time or something.
    Eh.Idk.I guess you let time play bad cop and sit back and let go.

  3. much to be hypothetical about,eh??
    @sadhana......i agree word by to what you said...they are like a mirror..
