Thursday, October 27, 2011

I love you,woman.

Marry Me.
This is a proposal.
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

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The best feeling in this world for me is when I put a snug pair of headphones on,close my eyes and listen to a well-written song whose every word I can eerily relate to.
Went spook-hunting again.Trespassed/broke in illegally.Fuck.That place gave me the chills.I do not want to be there after daylight.I'd piss my pants.
Awkward chance encounter.
Thank you,ambiguous invisible entity.For the best vacation ever.
Now,I shall eat and drink some more & watch that underground indie movie I'd been searching for an entity which a friend very helpfully sent me the d/l link to.No theatre release,then.Bweh.But what the hell.

1 comment:

  1. What exactly happened?? Long blog post please!! :D
    I want to go ghost hunting too. :( Take me along too. :P
