Monday, October 17, 2011

I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot.

Happy B'day Eminem.
I remember being in middle school and having angry days when I'd lock myself in my room,put on an Eminem cassette and crank the stereo volume loud enough for people two houses next to mine to be able to hear the expletives scandalise their middle class respectability.
I couldn't give two hoots back then,the hormones overruled everything else.It made sense.
I'd come across this really old D12 song on MTV2 once.They only aired MTV2 for a very short while in India.That was the first time I saw or heard him.
Anyway.Eminem song-marathon over.I'm back to replaying Vampire Weekend. <3
Just not angry/depressed enough.
The last few days have been amazing.
Imagine having a camera in your bag and going to these infinitely beautiful locations in the city and not wanting to click one picture.Because you have a feeling that some pictures are to be clicked only with your heart. =)
Cappuccino with cream & chocolate sauce & chocolate chips.
Sunset at the riverside.
Standing inches away from a speeding train passing you by.
Effortless conversations with jolly strangers.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
All in one day.
All the beautiful photographs of these places and moments in the world couldn't make me regret living the moment and letting it go.

Until later,*seizing the day*.