Sunday, December 25, 2011

What if

So school ended.
Dad,you would have been proud.I wore a sari to the farewell.I ditched my denims.I know you wanted to see me in one someday.I wanted you to see me in one too.
Well ..I bet you got a 360 degree look from above.Eh?You lucky dude. :D

As I sit in my favourite place in the world. And watch the smoke curl out of my lips and make a symphony in the air before it too is gone.I remember,there is no right or wrong in this world.There is nothing.But what I am and what I want my world to be.I am the queen and the slave.And I am nothing as I am everything.

It feels so good to blog again.To continue this exercise of chronicling every little bit of life I see.Make no mistake,I live all the while.Just as much.
I jump in.I pull out.
I am.And you are.
I have poetry to share.In the next post.

Impromptu plans are the schizz.Picture 11 girls getting bored and deciding to ditch all the last day drama in school only to land up in the most notorious watering hole in the city with their school batch T-shirts on.Rad much?

Oh.And also.Being shit scared.Of suspension.Because you now have a permanent tattoo staring out your wrist.In school.And have the co-ordinator walk upto you and appreciate your ink for real.Without the slightest hint of sarcasm. :]
Yes,Karma.I love you all the more now.
AND I lost my cellphone AGAIN.But lets not go into that. -_- I have SO much happening.Its a happy blur pretty much again.


  1. ehehe.
    long time no see.
    i dropped out of the blogging scene myself a while back, mostly around the time i moved to bombay with a job in august. since then, you shall notice, i have had a dry spell as far as writing goes.
    and i was already juggling KAC while we ran into each other. :D are you into the scene or is it some weirdobabble our mutual friend told you about?

  2. A mutual friend,yes.I think you'll happen to know her now. =] I did notice,yet I didn't know that.Imagine my surprise when she talked of you "dropping into town" .. I was all .. O_O what job, if I may?Congrats man.
