Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Time.

I want a humongous mug of hot chocolate.A warm blanket and lots of snuggling to go with it.
Its been the coldest Winter Kolkata has experienced in over a decade.Did you know?Well,know.
The word "subservient" just popped into my mind.I figure its another attempt made by my subconscious to play mind Scrabble with me. Not interested.
I am going to wake up early tomorrow and shop for my solo party the night after.[Referring to the alcohol.No I don't fancy rotten food much].This would be my only New Year's Eve spent alone ever yet and for years to come.I figured,why not leap and seize it?
The only thing I'll miss is the fabled Midnight Kiss.Which wasn't to be this year anyway.I thought I believed in free love when I was much younger.I thought I didn't believe in the puristic definition of love.
Until I was put to test.
And realisation hit me like a bazooka.Turns out,I'm a prude when it comes to matters of the heart.
What a bummer. -.- Right? So,basically I'm all about old world charm and storybook romances. That is kind of hard to live with. And since my ideas are so malleable, I make do with a modernised less expectant view. Jacked for life and probably dying alone. I know. Thank you for reminding me Annoying Voice In The Head. Try shutting up sometime, its a priceless virtue.
And while I'm at stark realisations.. The fights have been getting even more bitter and over the littlest things with the passing day.The first thing I'm gonna do while at college is look up property deals like crazy.I need my own apartment.SOON.
Don't call me selfish.You don't know.
I really am best suited for a hobo life.The idea appeals.I really would not mind.
I want a quill -__- a jar of ink.
Weirder dreams every night still.
Whatever.That was probably it.
Goodnight folks.
Its nice that I know that time is the only thing I have on my side.Nothing but time.

Youth is wasted on the young.


  1. hahaha! I can relate to the part about // I'm all about old world charm and storybook romances. That is kind of hard to live with//

    I call my self a cynic and anti-romantic and read all chick-lits with happy mushy endings. *sigh*

    That was supposed to be a secret btw. Shh.

    Spending new year's alone.. whatte! I wish I could! :(

    Hope you had fun! Happy new year! :D

  2. :D Happy New Year to you too :) Its just too difficult to resist happy endings.I know.Ditto :O
