Saturday, July 16, 2011

*More Than This - Division Joy*

I have my last proper school exam ever in a month.
And I only came to know that because some friend had already started hyperventilating... 40 chapters in 45 days she calculated,in my copy.
40 chapters?I stared blankly at her.Adding "how?" because I realised just the former hadn't been adequately enough.While my mind started filling up with question marks about the latter part of that sentence her unassuming mind had constructed to garner my opinion.On events I hadn't been aware of.
So I am going to employ my last minute desperate attempts for disaster management and put myself on house-arrest come August.Except for.. well.. the exceptions.
Bad things have been happening.Like always.So have the good.I've had enough of being stuck in a rut so I am deliberately making an attempt to bring about some conscious changes here and there.And if I may.. enjoying myself in the process.Nobody needs that extra bit of baggage.
And well.I've had my say.Its time to expunge. =)
Carpe Diem.Life's too fucking short.


  1. Carpe Diem indeed.

    Oh, and all the best for the exams! x)

    I have 36 chapters + 50 programs to study in.. oh about 15 days.


  2. Wow.That's tough.You need the luck more :D But thank you anyway :)
