Thursday, July 12, 2012

Its kind of a funny story..

how after you reach a certain age, your mental growth is mostly latent. No matter how many books you read, how many movies you watch you can almost visualise your grey cells  swimming around up there. And they do not multiply.
Infact, they drop dead, like kids overdosing on street meth at an otherwise innocuous rave party.

When you reach that moment of clarity, you want to die. Because you realise that no matter how gargantuan the amount of suffering you endure, life gives you little compensation. The gain is nearly non-existent.
The existentialists? The absurdists? They got it right.
The answer is there is no answer.
That beggar child, smiling upto you, on the other side of the half-lowered car window. You will never feel happiness quite like she does.
Your semi-privileged life is almost a curse.
I say almost only because I am not completely the ingrate you make me out to be.
Everything you thought you could escape from as a teenager. You really cannot.
There is no escape. It is what it is. The years make it bearable. You build up a tolerance for all the crazy ape-shit that makes up civilisation as we know it. The pause button is only applicable for stoners and burnouts, other such social outcasts. And life goes on. 
Till one day, when your sole purpose for waking up is to go right back to sleep again.
You die.